Parrylands Block E

The initial field is Parrylands Block E sitting on the highest point on the Southern end of the Island. This position on the top of the anticline makes for favorable geology and has 110 drilled and equipped wells in place for EOR.

Parrylands Block E Banner

Project Statistics and Highlights:

+/- 1,200 feet

Well Depth


Net Oil Pay Sand Thickness

> 5,700 BOPD

Expected Perrylands Peak

< 0.5%

Sulfur Content

< 1%

OOIP Produced Initially


Estimated Original Oil in Place (OOIP)

> 55 BOPD

Steam & CO2 Projected


Texaco Achieved Recovery with Steam


Oil Saturation

Financial Highlights

Greenflame Energy has secured a working interest of 75% in the oil produced via a PSA subject to the following offsets:

25% Total over-riding royalty on production

No capital costs required for Drilling and Exploration

Minimal Operating Cost for Natural Gas to generate steam.

Industry high netback per Bbl. $50.00

Currently producing 175 boepd and cash flow positive.

Organic Growth from Cash flow at 500 bopd.


Trinidad and Tobago (“T&T”) consists of twin Caribbean Islands just off the NE coast of Venezuela. English Speaking Democracy (former British territory) T&T attracts considerable foreign direct investment from international businesses, particularly in energy, reaching $2.4b in 2014. Energy production and downstream industrial use dominate the economy and T&T is the largest oil and gas producer in the Caribbean. Producing oil & gas for over 100-years with over 3 billion barrels of oil produced to date.